Helping you PROGRESS forward!
Peer & Employee Evaluations
Let's work together to discover your organization's strength and growth areas while building a strategy to empower, engage, and retain staff.
Program Evaluations
Have a program you question the impact and success of? Reach out today to conduct an in depth program evaluation to take the next steps forward.
DEI Implementation
Build an inclusive culture and improved employee engagement through a mindfully constructed DEI plan and program.
Small Business & Non-Profit Consulting
Needing help with development strategy, HR processes, or something else? Reach out today for help finding a solution.
About Progress Consulting
Progress Consulting is committed to help nonprofit and small business leaders progress forward with intentionality.
We believe that nonprofit organizations and small business leaders need relevant support that builds on their strengths, experiences, and achievements and that those individuals and organizations that invest in increasing their leadership and management capacities are better poised to achieve progress.
Progress Consulting offers HR, People & Culture, Development, Communications, and other services to help organizations meet their goals to serve their communities.
Our Team
Meet Matt
Matt Wade is the founder and owner of Progress Consulting and has worked with organizations as a consultant and development coach over the last 3 years. Prior to Progress Consulting, Matt worked in Resource and Business Development for nearly 10 years.
Matt holds a Master of Public Administration: Nonprofit and Small Business Management. His education and research is concentrated in HR Theory and Leadership. He holds certifications from HRCI in DEI Implementation & Small Business and Nonprofit HR Management.
He has previously been on fundraising staff at Arts Council Oklahoma City, Smart Start OK, and Oklahoma City Ballet.

Meet Ashlen
Ashlen Beavers is a principal consultant of Progress Consulting and has worked with organizations as a fundraising and marketing consultant. Prior to Progress Consulting, Ashlen worked in Development and Communications for 8 years.
Ashlen holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. Her education is concentrated in public relations and marketing. Her fundraising experience is in event planning, marketing and direct mail campaigns.
She was previously the Director of Donor Engagement leading the creative team of Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children in their fundraising efforts.

© 2022 by Progress Consulting